
Choose your words carefully.

HotelTonight, the last-minute booking app, is letting travelers narrow down their searches using a list of “magic words.”

TravelPulse reports that you can type in a city, along with one of the words, to generate a specific list of properties.

Here’s what you can search:

  • “Luxe” for luxe hotels only
  • “Hip” for hip hotels only
  • “Solid” for solid hotels only
  • “Pets” for pet-friendly hotels
  • “WiFi” for hotels with free WiFi
  • “Breakfast” for hotels offering free breakfast
  • “Pool” for hotels with a pool
  • “Hottub” for hotels with a hot tub
  • “Drinks” for hotels with a bar
  • “Max100” for max price $100
  • “Max150” for max price $150
  • “Max200” for max price $200